Saturday, February 27, 2016

Saturday Shuffle: Flotsam and Jetsam, Testament, III, ST, Ratt

This week starts strong with an underrated album and ends on a mediocre note.

Flotsam and Jetsam, "Empty Air." From the album Drift (1995). Drift is far and away my favorite Flots album. I loved the slightly more progressive tone of it. "Empty Air" is one of the heavier tracks from the record, and it's got as much power as anything that the band has ever recorded. A fantastic song from a fantastic record.

Testament, "Falling Fast." From the album Souls of Black (1990). Though The New Order is my favorite Testament record, I'm also partial to Souls of Black. "Falling Fast" fits pretty perfectly into the classic Testament sound. Sure, they've done this song in different forms quite a few times over the years, but I still like it.

Hank Williams III, "Not Everybody Likes Us." From the album Straight to Hell (2006). This is a bit of an ode from III to his fans. It's a good song, and the jab at Kid Rock doesn't hurt either.

Suicidal Tendencies, "The Prisoner." From the album Join the Army (1987). I've grown to appreciate Join the Army much more as I've gotten older. "The Prisoner" is one of the classic tunes from this record, which really bridged the gap between the wild hardcore punk of the band's debut and the more melodic thrash band that they'd become in later years.

Ratt, "I Want a Woman." From the album Reach for the Sky (1988). So, this record was really where I started to drift away from Ratt a little after loving their first two records. I'm not sure what it was about it, but it just didn't connect with me as much. "I Want a Woman" definitely would have fit on either of their first two records, but I'd much rather hear "Wanted Man," "Lack of Communication" or "You're in Love."

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